1969 Blast from the Past - Vettes and Astronauts
 Each crew received a special Custom Vette

January 2025        LOW-DOWN from COWTOWN - ONLINE
          Racing, Showing and Cruising around Fort Worth since 1974           
The President's Pit Stop

Kim West - President







Happy New Year

Hope everyone had a great holiday season.

I’m looking forward to a great 2025.

I’m still looking for committee chairman. If you can help or have a special talent, we need you!

If you can’t be a chairman, we need members to serve on committees.


Audit: Jack Winter & Bill Hornback

Car Show:


Cruiser: Robert Geyer

Historian: Mary Pittman

Equipment: Robert Geyer

Logo Merch: Donna Forsythe

Membership: Ann Walker

NCCC Events: James Swaringen

NCM Amb:

Audio: Randy Baker



Socials: Gayle Cherry

Timing: Vicki Currey

Social & Digital Media: Doug McMahan


CTV will have a small by-law change. Please read Raley’s email before the January membership meeting to be up to date of the change. We will vote on the change at the January meeting.

Barb Greenfeder will be hosting the New Member 101 on January 8th. This is a great way to find out how the club runs, events, lingo, and have questions answered. Please attend if you are a newer member of if you need a refresher.

We are all looking forward to this year’s socials. Gayle has already started to plan the year ahead. If you have any ideas for a great social, please share with her.

CTV will have a new website soon, thanks to Brain Glass. 

If you have an article or an item for the newsletter, Larry needs it by the 15th-20th of each month.

New Club shirts? What do you think?

Let’s all make CTV’s 51st year a great one!


Kim West






 Vice President - Social
Gayle Cherry        

We all look forward to many new events for 2025.
Gayle has experience and she will do a great job.


 Mary Pittman - Historian


LowDown Article - Historian



I have been the historian for Cowtown Vettes since 2014. When the historian position was created back in the day there were no computers, digital photos, social media, etc.  Club members met together each year or so and collectively put together a scrapbook of sorts. The bulk of these book are not archivable and are subject to deterioration. That being said they are still in decent condition and enjoyable to look at.  The last scrapbook was created in 2014 for the 40th anniversary and the plan it to create one for 2024 to commemorate the 50th anniversary.  Going forward we will rely on our very comprehensive digital archives for both our written and photographic histories.


In addition to scrapbooks, we have a fairly comprehensive collection of LowDowns from the inception of the club and trophies, etc. mostly from 2000 to the current year.  This is contained in 8 storage boxes and 2 large plastic totes.  We have been fortunate that Sylvia & Larry Hoaldridge offered space to store these items at their home. These are still at the Hoaldridge home for the time being, but I am in search of another storage location.  Ideally indoors (heated & cooled) would preserve the life of these items longer, but they have also “lived” in garage space.  If anyone has an area where these can be stored it would be greatly appreciated.


Mary Pittman, Historian


Vicki Currey - Secretary - Timing Chair

CTV Secretary


Just a reminder, the Membership and Board minutes are located in the Members Only section.


If you have any questions about the minutes, please feel free to contact me.


Timing Chair



If you are interested in learning timing for CTV’s autocrosses,


come spend some time in the trailer and join in the excitement!



Vicki Currey





 Steve Parker

Hi, I’m Steve Parker, your new CTV Treasurer. First off, let me introduce myself to those in the club that do not know me. My wife Lee Ann and I have been active in classic cars and particularly Corvettes for several decades. I bought my first Corvette, a ratty orange 1965 coupe in 1976 and have had every generation since. Although my profession was a banker (now retired), my stress relief has always been wrenching on old cars.  Lee Ann has been entertained by the roughly 150 cars that have come through my shop through the last 40 years. We currently have four Corvettes. Included in the collection are 1958 red convertible, 1966 yellow coupe, 2022 orange convertible and Lee Ann’s 2011 orange Grand Sport convertible autocross car.


We were members of CTV in the early 2000’s for several years and rejoined in 2023. Lee Ann is active in NCCC autocross and won the 2024 CTV Club Top Competitor award, is high point ladies competitor in the NCCC Region and is currently ranked 15th in the nation. As you can see, she enjoys her racing events.


I’m looking forward to working with Doug as he assists me in the transition of the Treasurer job. He has done a great job, and I strive to continue his quality of detail.


As a reminder, our Monthly Treasurer Reports are located on the Member’s Only page on our website. If you have any questions about the reports, please feel free to reach out to me or Doug. 


Digital/Social Media - Sponsorship
Doug McMahan - Social/Digital Media - Sponsorship

If you have not rec’d your 50th Anniversary Cowtown Vettes commemorative Deck of Playing Cards, please attend the next Membership Meeting and see me.  Each primary member / household receives one deck of cards.  I’ll bring a few decks on the next cruise as well.  If you’d like an extra set (or two), see me as well, we did purchase extra decks of cards- these are $5 per deck.

We will have the Events, Socials and such in the next Slideshow @ Fred’s on January 8. The slideshow will continue to include some Corvette Trivia along with various other Corvette happenings around the country. Larry (our webmaster) does post a lower-resolution version online, on the CTV Website. Please provide any submissions for the slideshow to me no later than Sunday evening of the Membership Meeting week.


If you have been working on or updating your Corvette with new items …or if you have taken a trip in your Corvette and have some photos to share with membership, please send those to me and I’ll include them in the monthly slideshow.  Cowtown’s Microsoft O365 account allows us to use OneDrive, which makes it much easier for you to provide high-resolution photos from events for the web and/or monthly slideshow. If you would like to share photos, please take them in high-resolution; if not, they can’t be used on the big screen since they would show grainy / blurry.  These are needed by noon, the Monday before the Membership Meeting. If you have questions, please contact me and I’ll provide you with more information and the OneDrive link to share your photos – basically use the highest resolution option you can set on your camera or smartphone.

When you receive a CTV-ALL eMail blast, we would request that you please only reply to the originator when you are replying to a CTV-ALL email. When you opt to reply, simply select Reply on the email, then remove the CTV-All entry and replace it with the email address of the originator. If you are sending CTV-ALL emails, please include your email address in the body of the email so you have that address handy.

If you change your email or home address, Corvette, or other info – please drop an email to CTV-Membership@groups.io.

If you are not receiving CTV-ALL emails, please get with me so we can either add you or figure out why you aren’t receiving them.

More information on email distribution lists and the acceptable use of them can be found on our website.

Facebook – if you are on Facebook and not a “friend” of Cowtown Vettes, members cannot include you in tags at events; these tags show your non-club member friends all the fun we are having. Who knows, maybe some of you are in the witness protection program and don’t want to be tagged J If you are posting, be sure to tag Cowtown Vettes so it appears on our Facebook news feed.

Doug McMahan

Digital / Social Media Chairperson




Board Members
                         Randy Baker                      
                 Larry Schaapveld       
                    Mike Lindner         
                        William Nolan        
                         Cliff Holden          


 Membership Chair

Ann Walker - Membership Chair
































Cowtown Cruiser


Robert Geyer - Cruiser/Equipment Chair

Hello cruisers, 


We are starting a new year and I'm planning for a better than ever cruiser season. Having said that, I will not be leading any cruises in January or February due to unpredictable weather.  BUT that doesn't mean I won't be busy as I will be looking at new and different trips and some popular previous trips too. 
I hope to work closely with our new Vice-President and social Chairperson Gayle Cherry and extend a well earned thank you to last years VP and social Chairperson, Mary Pittman. 

Now on to a new topic.  This will be my 5th year as Cruiser Chairperson.  If you have ever wondered what I do and how it's all put together this is your opportunity to find out.  I am actively looking for a co-chair to work with me as I plan to give up Cruiser Chair at the end of 2025.
My tenure as chair has been fun and rewarding but it's time for another to step up and take over.  I'm a firm believer that we need to replace chair positions with new and different members in order to keep our club fresh and responsive to all members.  So here's your chance to contribute and help keep our club fun for all.

That's all for now.  Remember I am always interested in your input on Cruiser destinations.


Your Cruiser Chairperson 

Robert Geyer 


Cathy Baker - Former 2024
Looking for a Volunteer for 2025 Contact Kim West if interested

Hello everyone –


Well, here we are at the end of the year holidays with Thanksgiving now behind us and everyone getting prepared for the Christmas season and looking forward to New Years Eve. Where has the year gone … seems like it has just flown by!


The CTV club has been active this year with all types of charity activities. At all our membership meetings we had our 50/50 raffles in which we collected $2515 (just through the month of November).

This goes a long way in reaching our goal to support The Fisher House and The Warm Place with a $1,000 donation to each organization at the end of the year. As well as a donation (of the remainder of the funds) to the American Kidney Foundation.


Also, during 2024 our CTV volunteers were busy throughout the year. We supported the Don’t Forget to Feed Me organization with 314 lbs of food and treats and over $400 in donations. We worked at the Tarrant Area Food Bank in June and November for a total of 15,982 meals for those in need.  Cook Children’s Hospital had a Christmas in July event as well as our upcoming Christmas event in December in which our club volunteers work with kids in making crafts and helping them pick out a toy (and oh how their smiles will warm your heart).

We as a club will collect Toys for Tots during our upcoming Christmas Party. And last but not least, the infamous annual CTV Car Show, which has a reputation for being one of the best in the area! Working to obtain gifts, door prizes and giveaways is a fun and busy time but all worthwhile to help in the success of the event.


So, as our year comes to an end, I would like to say how very proud I have been for serving as Cowtown Vettes Charity Chairman during 2023 and 2024. But I am ready to give someone else the opportunities and gratification that this position offers.


My best to everyone during the holidays and hope that everyone has an enjoyable and relaxing time with family and friends. 

Safe travels to all and a Happy New Year.





Cathy Baker

CTV Charity Chairman






Low Down Editor
Larry Currey - Editor

                How Dave Kindig Built...

             ...the ’53 Corvette Custom

              That Won the Ridler Award

Completely Hand Built - One Piece at a time
 Although these cars are art, they must be able to start, stop, move forward, and back up under their own power. They also must turn and be driven to the display spot, so being a working car factors into the judging. The first part of the competition is being chosen as one of the Great 8 Ridler Finalists, and then the winner is selected from that exclusive club. For 2024, the winner was this stunning 1953 Corvette, designed by Dave Kindig and crafted at Kindig-It Design in Salt Lake City, Utah


The drivetrain started with an aluminum, LS-based V-12 from Race Cast Engineering (RCE) in Australia. It’s capable of close to 1,000 hp but was detuned to a conservative 650 hp. Given the lightweight nature of the car, that was more than enough power. The rest of the drivetrain was built around a modified C7 transaxle that had the torque tube extended and the housing replaced with a thicker and more structurally-sound version.



"Whether it's creating something that looks like it could have been made back in the day, or should have been, or even coming up with completely new concepts never seen before, the goal should always be to raise the bar.

If we get the chance to do another build like this, we’ll go even further than we did with the TwelveAir.

It's all about outdoing ourselves and pushing the limits of what's possible."

We’re sure Don Ridler would approve of that approach.  

   In closing I would like to thank everyone for your articles and support.

Larry Currey / Editor


Brian Glass

Howdy fellow Corvette enthusiasts! I’ve been in the club for going on 3 years, but a lot of you may not know much about me.  So let me tell you a bit about myself…


I was born at Carswell AFB a slew of years ago.  Growing up we moved around a lot (I was not a military brat) but settled back in my parent’s hometown of Arlington for junior high and high school.  I graduated Martin High School in Arlington and then went to the University of Texas at Austin on a full athletic ride.  I was a 5-time Letterman and a 4-time All American on the track team (800M) before destroying my knee while preparing for the 1992 US Olympic Trials.  In an instant, my life changed.  I pivoted from athletics to academic studies and graduated a couple of years later.


After graduation I moved back to the DFW metroplex and lived mainly on the Dallas/Collin County side for 15 years before moving back to Arlington where I have been for the last 15 years.  I have been in IT my entire professional career and currently work for a wealth management firm based in Highland Park.


Outside of work my hobbies have centered around pugs (I have been rescuing with DFW Pug Rescue for 20 years), the Texas Longhorns and anything I can do with my hands.  I am an avid remodeler and have been doing a major sheetrock off remodel of my entire home for many years (with many years yet to go).  As my friends have said… If it can be nailed, glued, welded or screwed – I have the tool to do it!


All my life I have had a love affair with cars.  I built my first engine in high school (after blowing one up) and have had experience racing SCCA, building and competing in off road trucks and tinkering on any vehicle I have ever owned.  I inherited my love for GM cars from my dad and the Corvette was always a dream.  Finally, after many years of focusing on differing priorities, I purchased my first Corvette in the fall of 2021 – a 2016 C7 Stingray 3LT convertible with the special Spice Red package.


I look forward to merging my love affair with my Corvette and my skills in technology to help take our club website to a new level!  Let’s get 2025 started!

On-Line / LowDown  Feature Article

2025 Chevrolet Corvette ZR1

Claims BONKERS 0–60 Time!



If you like the 0-60 times,



you’ll love the reported quarter mile times!

Chevrolet also announced that the ZTK-equipped ZR1 runs the quarter mile in 9.6 seconds at 150 mph! Even the standard ZR1 can sprint to 60 mph in 2.5 seconds and knock down 9.7 seconds in the quarter. And this was on pump gas and on a non-prepped drag strip wearing the factory tires. In the 9s right off the showroom floor is a concept we’re down with!


The ZR1’s Top Speed is Bonkers!

“The 2025 Corvette ZR1 yet again exceeded our expectations,” said Josh Holder, chief engineer, Corvette. “Combined with a top speed record of 233 mph which is unrivaled by any current production car priced under $1 million – the Corvette ZR1 delivers on its mission to provide customers unrelenting power.”

Larry Currey / On-Line LOW DOWN Editor

National Corvette Museum
James Little - NCM Ambassador - 2024
Looking for a Volunteer for 2025 Contact Kim West if interested
About The Museum
At the National Corvette Museum, you’ll experience the legacy of America’s Sports Car, the Chevrolet Corvette.

Discover a rich history that spans over seven decades, showcasing the evolution of design, engineering, and the Corvette spirit.

Engage in interactive exhibits, experience the thrill of racing through virtual simulators, participate in educational workshops, and view rare memorabilia.

The Museum is a celebration of innovation, speed, and the enduring appeal of the Corvette, offering an unforgettable journey for enthusiasts and families alike, igniting a passion in each guest.

To visit the NCM website... Click
Corvette Museum

Car Show Chair
Kim West - Car Show Chair - 2024
Looking for a Volunteer for 2025 Contact Kim West if interested

2024 Car Show is now in the record books. The weather was perfect with yellow and purple as the color of the day. We had 96 cars registered. The day started with a great setup team and then there was a steady stream of cars to be parked. Next came a moving National Anthem with all standing at attention, hands over hearts, and everyone quieted. Then the show became full of life till tear down. The car show team/committee and workers are the BEST!!! This is a year long endeavor with lots of meeting, emails, behind the scenes homework, and hard work the day of.

Thank you all for your hard work:

Cliff Holder                                      Raley Smith

Donna Forsythe                                Jim Forsythe

Cathy Baker                                         Jackie Holden

            Randy Baker                                Michael & Belinda Biggers

Debbie Lindsey                                  Larry & Vicki Currey

Jerry Lindsey                                      James & Kim Little

Bill Buehler                                          Mike Messerli

Doug McMahan                                John Moulton

Mike Lindner                                      Larry Schaapveld

Tony Sokoloski                                   James Swaringen

Robert Guyer                                     Jack & Paula Winter

Jane Buehler                                       Steve Parker


Thank you to Hulen Mall and Macy’s. I received lots of good feedback on the new location.

Congratulations to all the Class Winners and Class Award Winners.

Best of Show Early is a white 1961 C2 owned by Chris Welsh.

Best of Show Late is a yellow 2016 C7 Wide Body owned by Doug Harper.

Best Engine went to Barry Ruth with a 1963 C2 red Convertible.

Best Interior went to Randy Hudzik with a 2005 Daytona Sunset Orange convertible.

Best Paint went to Robert Gentry with a gray 1970 C3 convertible.

I want to thank the judges who judged the Best Engine, Interior, and Paint, Mike Kaiser, Fred Rosette, and Jerry Lindsey. Jerry headed this sub-committee up and was a huge help. I thought it would be a great idea to ask past members to judge since this is CTV’s 50th anniversary. In fact, Fred was the original car show chairman, and as I remember, created the show as it remains today. 

There are a few 2024 t-shirts available and on sale for $15.oo (most sizes except for no medium or XL). Donna will bring to the meeting. Get them while you can.

Kim West
Car Show Chair

NCCC Chair
James Swaringen - NCCC Events

Happy New Year!

Calling all Cowtown Vettes Members!

Let's make this NCCC Event season a blast!

I'm thrilled to be leading the NCCC Events this year, but I can't do it without the amazing support of our club members!  We have four exciting events planned, so mark your calendars and get ready to join the fun! Whether you want to compete, volunteer, or just cheer on your fellow members, there's a way for everyone to be involved.

Here's a sneak peek at what's in store:

     Practice Autocross (March 8th): This is a perfect opportunity for beginners to get their feet wet or for experienced drivers to hone their skills. The course will be designed with plenty of turns and carousels, making it a great chance to learn the ropes or shake off the winter rust. Plus, this event is a fantastic way to get involved in NCCC functions beyond driving.

     5th Annual Larry & Sylvia Hoaldridge Memorial Event (Autocross) (April 12th & 13th): This two-day event is a club favorite! Get ready to push your Corvette and your driving skills to the limit on a challenging course filled with twists and turns. Even if you're not looking to compete for points, it's a guaranteed adrenaline rush and a fantastic way to experience the thrill of your Corvette.

     13th Annual Spring Scramble (May 17th & 18th): This two-day extravaganza features a participant's choice car show, three funkhanas, and three rallies. It's a fantastic opportunity to showcase your Corvette, test your skills on a variety of challenges, and rack up some NCCC points (up to 136 points are possible!). Not familiar with funkhanas or rallies? No problem! Come out and learn alongside your fellow club members. You're guaranteed to have a blast and discover new ways to enjoy your Corvette.

     Fall Autocross (September 6th & 7th): Mark your calendars for another exciting autocross event! This two-day competition will be similar to the spring event, offering a chance to race your Corvette and compete for glory.

We rely on volunteers to make these events a success.  We'll need volunteers to help with timing, staging, starting, corner work, course setup and teardown, registration, and more. It's a great way to learn new skills and become more integrated into the club.  If you're interested in lending a hand, please don't hesitate to reach out! You can participate in the events while also volunteering your time.

I encourage all Cowtown Vettes members to join us for this exciting season of NCCC events. It's a fantastic opportunity to bond with fellow Corvette enthusiasts, share your passion for these incredible cars, and create some lasting memories. We look forward to seeing you there!

Don't forget to check out the club website (http://www.cowtownvettes.org) for more details, flyers and registration to be posted soon!

James Swaringen - NCCC Events Coordinator

james@swaringen.us  - cell:  817-832-9812






NCCC Governor
Norman Walker - NCCC Govenor


Now up to 152 members strong 





The new year is off and running. The Southwest Region calendar is beginning to fill up. It begins with the SW Region Awards Banquet on March 1, at Lost Oak Winery in Burleson.

The remainder of the schedule, so far, is as follows:

March 8, tentatively, Cowtown Vettes Practice Autocross at Azle High School.

April 12-13, Tarrant County College, CTV, Larry Hoaldridge Memorial, 14 LS autocross.

April 26-27, McLane Stadium, Waco, Cen-Tex, 14 low-speed autocrosses.

May 10-11, Texas A&M Central, Killeen, Longhorn, 14 low-speed autocrosses.

May 17-18, Fat Daddy’s, Mansfield, CTV, 13th Annual Spring Scramble.

May 24-26, Drumright, OK, Oklahoma City CC, 3 days, 21 low-speed autocrosses.

June 21-22, Ardmore, OK, Oklahoma City CC, Cruzin’ the Arbuckles weekend.

August 17-22 NATIONAL CONVENTION, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.

September 6-7, Tarrant County College, CTV, 14 low-speed autosrosses.

September 20-21, Drumright, OK, Oklahoma City CC, Fall Festival, 14 LS autocrosses.

September 27-28, TBD, Southwest Region Fundraiser, 14 low-speed autocrosses.

October 11-12, McLane Stadium, Waco, Cen-Tex, 14 low-speed autocrosses.

October 18-19, McLane Stadium, Waco, Cen-Tex, 14 low-speed autocrosses.

November 1-2, Killeen & Holland, Longhorn CC, 7 autocross and 3 drags.


More information can be found on the SW Region Calendar, located here: http://www.ncccswregion.org/schedule_2025.html 

Flyers will be uploaded as we get closer to the events.


Save the wave!

Norman Walker

CTV NCCC Governor

For Southwest Region Events for our Club Members to participate in...

click on this link    NCCC Southwest Region Schedule (ncccswregion.org)

CTV Market Place
Donna Forsythe - CTV Logo Merchandise
Hello and welcome to the Logo Merchandise store.

There are lots of great things for sale with the Cowtown logo on them:
 Caps.Visors, Sweatshirts, Long Sleeve T-shirts, Short Sleeve T-shirts, Men’s & Women’s Long Sleeve Denim Shirts, Polo shirts Name Tags

(Please note that on all shirt orders, 2XL and up sizes are slightly higher)

If you want your name added to your shirt, Or a Cowtown logo or a certain year Corvette added to your shirt.
We also have stickers, patches and koozies
So stop by the Logo table before and after the meeting to place your order.
You’ll get your order by the next meeting.
Donna Forsythe CTV Logo Mechandise


page last updated: 09-27-24
Cowtown Vette's Platinum Sponsor

Copyright 1974 thru 2024 by Cowtown Vettes & the Owning Photographers. WARNING ! All content contained within this site is protected by copyright laws.

The General Motors Trademarks are used with the required express written permission of GM.
All Corvette Trademarks and Logos on this site are used under license by Chevrolet Motor Division.
Corvette is a registered trademark of the Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors.

Unauthorized use of content from our website is strictly prohibited - Thank You