July 2024        LOW-DOWN from COWTOWN - LIVE ONLINE
          Racing, Showing and Cruising around Fort Worth since 1974           
The President's Pit Stop

Randy Baker - President


Howdy Cowtown Vette Members,

With summer flying by and the Olympics starting next week we’ve already had a very active and fun year with CTV.  Thank goodness for the upcoming Olympics helping to fill the sports viewing gap between March Madness and the start of football season. (Yes, you guessed it – I’m not a baseball fan).  Get your Red, White & Blue ready to cheer on our Olympic athletes with everything from women’s gymnastics to speed walking - there will be something for all of us to watch and feel that USA pride.

Back to the club, as President I want to thank all of you for your support of the club and involvement in our activities. Our membership, along with our elected officers and chairs have done a great job keeping our club active and vibrant throughout the first seven months of 2024 … and we’re not done - with the many social and community activities just around the corner.

Yes, the year is flying by, so it’s not too early to start thinking about how you can contribute and make a difference. Through my position as President, I am even more aware and amazed at our club’s diverse talent and willingness to pitch in, give time and effort to keep our club moving forward. As we look to the club’s future and move toward the end of 2024, we are looking for motivated individuals to take on officer and chairman positions to help shape the direction of the club next year. From organizing events like autocross, cruise, NCCC, socials, to planning charity drives and community outreach initiatives, there are countless ways to contribute and make a difference.

Just like the Olympic events, leadership positions in CTV appeal to different tastes and interests.  But with our talented members and backgrounds – there is something for everyone.

Go USA – Go for the Gold !

Randy Baker
CTV President












 Social News

Mary Pittman - VP - Socials - Historian

Seems that the “dog days of summer” have arrived.  Thankfully it hasn’t been quite as hot this summer as last.  Hopefully we will not end up with as many 100 degree days as last year, but one can never tell about August.









September and October are still works in progress as both months as shaping up to be busy months.  September has the Labor Day holiday on the 2nd, our autocross event on the 7th & 8th and the SWR Fundraiser event on the 28th. 


October will follow suit with the Brazos River Car Show in Granbury on the 12th, our CTV Car Show on the 21st, as well as the possibility of the 50th anniversary photo being rescheduled for this month.


SAVE THE DATES: November 2 we will be heading out to the Currey’s Hanger at Hicks Field and December 7 is the date of our Annual Christmas Party.


Be sure and put December 7th on your calendar for our annual

Christmas Party!

 Mary Pittman 


Vicki Currey - Secretary - Timing Chair

CTV Secretary


Just a reminder, the Membership and Board minutes are located in the Members Only section.


If you have any questions about the minutes, please feel free to contact me.


Timing Chair



If you are interested in learning timing for CTV’s autocrosses,


come spend some time in the trailer and join in the excitement!



Vicki Currey



Treasurer - Digital/Social Media - Sponsorship



Doug McMahan - Treasurer - Social/Digital Media - Sponsorship

Digital / Social Media Article

Due to some scheduling difficulties and timing, our 29th historic Photo Shoot was postponed until the fall.  We are looking at early afternoon on Sunday, October 20th, the day after our Annual Corvette Show or Saturday, 26th around noon. Due to some requests, we are trying to figure out a way we can get the “50 Years of Cowtown” video on the website or even just shared via a link for you to enjoy it – more on this later.

If you have not rec’d your 50th Anniversary Cowtown Vettes commemorative Deck of Playing Cards, please attend the next Membership Meeting and see me.  Each primary member / household receives one deck of cards.  I’ll bring a few decks on the next cruise as well.  If you’d like an extra set (or two), see me as well, we did purchase a few extra decks of cards.

Since Fred’s couldn’t get the cable out of the locked sound room, our next slideshow for August will include all the May, June & July events. The slideshow will continue to include some Corvette Trivia along with various other Corvette happenings around the country. Larry (our webmaster) does post a lower-resolution version online, on the CTV Website. Please provide any submissions for the slideshow to me no later than Monday evening of the Membership Meeting week.  

If you have been working on or updating your Corvette with new items …or if you have taken a trip in your Corvette and have some photos to share with membership, please send those to me and I’ll include them in the monthly slideshow.  Cowtown’s Microsoft O365 account allows us to use OneDrive, which makes it much easier for you to provide high-resolution photos from events for the web and/or monthly slideshow. If you would like to share photos, please take them in high-resolution; if not, they can’t be used on the big screen since they would show grainy / blurry.  These are needed by noon, the Monday before the Membership Meeting. If you have questions, please contact me and I’ll provide you with more information and the OneDrive link to share your photos – basically use the highest resolution option you can set on your camera or smartphone.

When you receive a CTV-ALL eMail blast, we would request that you please only reply to the originator when you are replying to a CTV-ALL email. When you opt to reply, simply select Reply on the email, then remove the CTV-All entry and replace it with the email address of the originator. If you are sending CTV-ALL emails, please include your email address in the body of the email so you have that address handy.

If you change your email or home address, Corvette, or other info – please drop an email to CTV-Membership@groups.io.

If you are not receiving CTV-ALL emails, please get with me so we can either add you or figure out why you aren’t receiving them.

More information on email distribution lists and the acceptable use of them can be found on our website.

Facebook – if you are on Facebook and not a “friend” of Cowtown Vettes, members cannot include you in tags at events; these tags show your non-club member friends all the fun we are having. Who knows, maybe some of you are in the witness protection program and don’t want to be tagged J If you are posting, be sure to tag Cowtown Vettes so it appears on our Facebook news feed.

Doug McMahan

Digital / Social Media Chairperson



CTV Treasurer

As a friendly reminder, our Monthly Treasurer Reports are located on the Member’s Only page on our website. If you have any questions about the reports, please feel free to reach out to me.

Additionally, all the Budgets and P&Ls for events and socials are on the Member’s Only page as well.

Doug McMahan

CTV Treasurer


CTV Sponsorship

For our 50th Anniversary, Cowtown could benefit and would like to partner with some good club sponsors (at any level); see below. Do you own or work somewhere that might be interested in becoming a sponsor?  if so, help promote them to become a Cowtown Vettes Sponsor? There are multiple levels depending on the depth of sponsorship desired. Do you have a candidate or any thoughts for a club sponsor? With club sponsors we can fund the financial needs of our club, but we also have opportunities for funding an event or socials; or event to print the Low-Down, etc. Not all sponsor levels have to be automotive related, so talk to us and share what you might be interested in sponsoring.

Note: We have a freshly painted Club Trailer – Certain Club Sponsors Levels will have their logo added to our club trailer, adding visibility beyond the flyer and our website.



We always have copies of Cowtown’s Sponsor Program at the Membership Meetings – see me. They are also available on our website, on the Sponsor page. If you need some in between meetings, contact either me or the Sponsorship Committee CTV-SC@groups.io


We continue tweaking the Member Guide that will help everyone to understand and promote Cowtown to potential sponsors. This guide will only be posted on the CTV Member’s Only website page – not to be distributed to non-CTV Individuals.


If you have questions or need clarifications, please reach out.


Doug McMahan

Sponsorship Chairperson


Board Members
                           Raley Smith               
                           Glenda McMahan       
                           Kim West          
                        William Nolan        
                         Cliff Holden          

 Membership Chair

Ann Walker - Membership Chair






























Cowtown Cruiser


Robert Geyer - Cruiser/Equipment Chair

Hello cruisers, 


It's definitely Summer now and the heat is on.  But don't let that  keep you from enjoying a fun cruise in you Vette.  It's a great time to find those cruiser points or that perfect location for your `what I saw along the way'  photo. Remember your points and photo will be due by early November,  so don't delay.  

Now for the good stuff.  I will be leading a cruise on July 27th to Hillsboro to visit a museum called Roadside Americana.  Plan to meet up in the Hobby Lobby  parking lot in Mansfield by 9:30 with drivers meeting at 9:45 and leaving at 10am sharp. If you have never been to this museum before, to say it's very unique, is an understatement.  It's chock full of all things quirky Americana.  Think route 66.  After visiting the museum,  around 2ish we will head over to R & K Cafe for lunch. This place is a typical small town cafe serving Texas style comfort food.  And that's good food at a reasonable price.  

I will pass around a sign up sheet at July's meeting as I will need a head count for the cafe.  There is an entrance fee for the museum of $10 Per Person.  The owner ask that we pay in Cash as a way to speed up entrance.  So no cards here, please.  Speaking of photos and cruiser points there are several photo opportunities and lots of cruiser points to be found around the court house square.

In August I have a cruise planned for Stephenville to a country cheese shop. The farmer there raises his own cattle and goats, milks them and processes the milk into cheese.  Interesting place with many different flavored cheeses to purchase. Bring your cooler with some ice and take home some good natural farm made cheese. Lunch will be at the Hard 8 BBQ in Stevenville.  More information for this trip latter.

Futher down the road, no pun intended, will be a trip east to Canton for their First Monday Trade Days . So be ready for that one with more information, you guessed it, to come later.

That's all for now and I'll see all at the July club meeting. 

Your Cruiser Chairperson 

Robert Geyer 


Cathy Baker - Charities


Hello everyone –


Well …. it’s still (more than) hot weather in our area but after all, it is summer in Texas !


Our club participated in the TAFB volunteer day in July with 14 members helping and I’m proud to report that we ended up with a total of 9,768 Lbs. of food / 8,140 Meals that were completed during our shift. We then headed over to Angelo’s BBQ for food and camaraderie.  This was a good time and TAFB always appreciates our club’s participation.


CTV is also participating in the Cook Children’s Christmas in July event, and we have 14 members who have volunteered to help with children crafts and games during the gathering.  This is truly a good time for all.


One tidbit I want to share with our membership is that we have one “more than lucky” member …. Mr. Larry Schaapveld.  As I was looking back on my records for this year, I discovered that in our 50/50 Raffle (at the membership monthly meetings) Larry has won three times … and that’s only through the month of July.  Now how is that for luck ! I’ve decided that I am going to nickname him “LL” (Lucky Larry).  Seriously, what are the chances to win that many times in only seven months.  Sincere congrats to “LL” – but if he wins again this year, I think all drinks are on him.  LOL  


Another good deed of charity happened recently. The table decorations from our 50th Anniversary Margaritaville Party have found a new home. The flowers were donated by Vicki Currey to the Camp Fire El Tesoro de la Vida Grief Camp to help decorate the “Flower Cabin” for young girls. Kim D’Avignon, Asst Director, gladly accepted the flowers and stated, “the girls will love them”. The camp is July 21-27, 2024, and will give each child attending a full camp experience with the support of trained grief counselors. Thank you for thinking of this event Vicki – a lot of hard work going toward a very good cause!


During the months of Aug/Sep, Charity will turn up our work of requesting gifts, donations and door prizes for our upcoming October car show – so we are off and running.


That is all to report for now, everyone stay safe and well and more to follow …..




Cathy Baker

Charity Chairman





Larry Currey - Webmaster

Corvette's Z06 GT3.R Just Won...
Its First IMSA Race




   Corvette’s newest race car has claimed its first victory in North America’s IMSA    WeatherTech SportsCar Championship.


“We’ve been knocking on the door for a long time,” says Antonio Garcia, a longtime Corvette factory driver who piloted the winning #3 car for Corvette Racing by Pratt Miller Motorsports.

 The model also took home second place this weekend, with the #4 Pratt Miller Car of Tommy Milner and Nicky Catsburg finishing 0.408 seconds behind the #3 at Canadian Tire Motorsports Park


Corvette Goes 1-2 in GTD PRO at Chevrolet Grand Prix...
for First Z06 GT3.R Win




On-Line / LowDown  Feature Article


                 James Garner's 1968 Corvette: A Look at His Race Car

Don't expect all the bells and whistles you find in a modern luxury car. James Garner's Corvette was all business. Forget the plush leather seats and fancy infotainment systems.

This car was stripped down for pure racing performance. Imagine the feeling of gripping the wheel, the engine growling to life, and knowing you're behind the wheel of a true legend.



This Vette wasn't just special because of its owner; it was part of a legendary trio.

Back in 1967, three of these L88 Corvettes were built specifically for
 James Garner's racing team, American International Racing (AIR).

That means James wasn't just a Hollywood hotshot collecting cars; he was a racer who appreciated a finely tuned machine.

Pop the hood and prepare to be impressed.
James Garner's Corvette wasn't just about good looks;
it was a mechanical marvel. 

The L88 engine was a legend in its own right. 

Imagine a growling 427 cubic inch V8 with aluminum cylinder heads... 
a combination that delivers incredible power without all the unnecessary weight.

One of these AIR L88 Corvettes sold for a whopping...
$744,000 at a prestigious auction in 2008. 
Talk about a collector's item!
Larry Currey / On-Line LOW DOWN Editor

National Corvette Museum
James Little - NCM Ambassador
About The Museum
At the National Corvette Museum, you’ll experience the legacy of America’s Sports Car, the Chevrolet Corvette.

Discover a rich history that spans over seven decades, showcasing the evolution of design, engineering, and the Corvette spirit.

Engage in interactive exhibits, experience the thrill of racing through virtual simulators, participate in educational workshops, and view rare memorabilia.

The Museum is a celebration of innovation, speed, and the enduring appeal of the Corvette, offering an unforgettable journey for enthusiasts and families alike, igniting a passion in each guest.

To visit the NCM website... Click
Corvette Museum

Car Show Chair
Kim West - Car Show Chair
It's time to get your log book organized for the upcoming car show season.

For all the information go to CTV's website, Activities tab, Car Show. There you will find the point system.

I hope everyone participates, even if you only attend one or two car shows, turn in your points.

The annual award will be give out at the Christmas party.

 We will need lot of help at our new location at Macy's/Hulen Mall. 

Contact me with any questions or if you want to volunteer.

Kim West
Car Show Chair

NCCC Chair
Larry Schaapveld - NCCC Events
Mark your Calendar

September 7 & 8 Our final Autocross for the year at TCC South Campus

Come out and watch fellow members race the clock and dodge cones

We always need helpers and the best seat in the house to watch is as a corner worker...
so plan on this event and support our club

NCCC Governor
Norman Walker - NCCC Govenor


We now are back up to 151 members  



There is nothing going on in the SW Region this month because of the heat.

Same for next month.


I will give you an update on where Cowtown members stand in the region’s Top 10.

In the ladies’ Top 10 are: Number 1 - Lee Ann Parker, and Number 10 – Kim Little.

 In the men’s Top 10 are: Number 1 – James Little, Number 3 – Larry Schaapveld, and Number 6 – Red Greenfeder.

As a club, Cowtown is currently at Number 2, only 6 points behind Cen-Tex.

Nationally, Lee Ann Parker is #8 in the ladies.

James Little is #9, and Larry Schaapveld is #12 in the men.

Cowtown is currently 4th, Nationally.


The next thing on the horizon for Cowtown is our fall event, September 7 and 8, once again at Tarrant County College.


Save the wave!

Norman Walker

CTV NCCC Governor

For Southwest Region Events for our Club Members to participate in...

click on this link    NCCC Southwest Region Schedule (ncccswregion.org)

CTV Market Place
Donna Forsythe - CTV Logo Merchandise
Hello and welcome to the Logo Merchandise store.

There are lots of great things for sale with the Cowtown logo on them:
 Caps.Visors, Sweatshirts, Long Sleeve T-shirts, Short Sleeve T-shirts, Men’s & Women’s Long Sleeve Denim Shirts, Polo shirts Name Tags

(Please note that on all shirt orders, 2XL and up sizes are slightly higher)

If you want your name added to your shirt, Or a Cowtown logo or a certain year Corvette added to your shirt.
We also have stickers, patches and koozies So stop by the Logo table before and after the meeting to place your order. You’ll get your order by the next meeting.
Donna Forsythe CTV Logo Mechandise


page last updated: 05-21-24
Cowtown Vette's Platinum Sponsor

Copyright 1974 thru 2024 by Cowtown Vettes & the Owning Photographers. WARNING ! All content contained within this site is protected by copyright laws.

The General Motors Trademarks are used with the required express written permission of GM.
All Corvette Trademarks and Logos on this site are used under license by Chevrolet Motor Division.
Corvette is a registered trademark of the Chevrolet Motor Division, General Motors.

Unauthorized use of content from our website is strictly prohibited - Thank You